Sarada Devi: The Holy Mother
Sarada Devi,is popularly known as the Holy Mother, and the wife of Sri Ramakrishna. She is regarded as an equal to him in their spiritual development and mission. Her personality combined an intense wisdom and deep compassion for all. In her own life she showed the highest ideals of the monastic and householder way of life.
Click on highlighted titles to learn more.
S-1 color photo with red flowers
$3.95 -
Eternal Mother
$10.95 -
Sri Sarada Devi, The Holy Mother: Her Teachings and Conversations
$29.99 $24.99 -
Sri Sarada Devi: A Divine Life in Pictures
$44.95 -
Effective Life Management
$6.95 -
Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play
$39.95 -
Some Inspiring Illustrations of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother & Swamiji and Their Love
$10.95 -
My Blessed Days With Holy Mother
$12.95 -
Descent of the Goddess at Shihar
$4.95 -
Sri Sarada Devi: The Holy Mother Life and Teachings
$5.95 -
In the Company of The Holy Mother
$7.95 -
Great Women of India
$24.95 -
Sarada Devi for Children
$3.95 -
Holy Trio Photograph Sets
$1.95 -
Great Sayings with Illustrations
$3.95 -
Dewdrops: Daily Quotes from the Holy Mother
$9.95 -
S-19 Color Print Holy Mother with Feet extended
$3.95 -
The Compassionate Mother - The Oldest Biography of Sri Sarada Devi
$17.95 -
Gospel of the Holy Mother (a collection of her conversations)
$18.95 -
Holy Mother -- by Sw. Nikhilananda: Being the Life of Sri Sarada Devi- Wife of Sri Ramakrishna- and Helpmate in His Mission
$15.50 -
Holy Mother: Sri Sarada Devi
$16.95 -
The Mother as I Saw Her: Being Reminiscences of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi
$6.95 -
Reminiscences of Sri Sarada Devi
$9.95 -
Sarada Devi: A Biography in Pictures
$16.95 -
Sarada Devi: The Great Wonder
$19.95 -
Sri Sarada Devi: The Holy Mother
$8.95 -
Short Life of the Holy Mother
$4.00 -
Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi: The Holy Mother
$5.95 -
Unsolicited Grace DVD: Accounts of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi
$19.95 -
Thus Spake Set of 11 booklets
$12.95 -
Thus Spake the Holy Mother
$1.50 -
S-5 Sarada Devi seated
$9.95 -
S-7 Sarada Devi Photograph (Looking down)
$4.95 -
Western Admirers of Ramakrishna and his Disciples
$35.00 $25.00 -
Shyamasundari Devi: Mother of Sri Sarada Devi
$3.00 -
Remembering Sri Sarada Devi's Disciple
$29.95 $14.95 -
Images of Divinity: Sri Ramakrishna's Reverence for Women
$6.95 -
Vedanta and Holy Mother
$9.95 -
Holy Mother in the South
$3.00 -
Inspiring Lives...