
Taittiriya Upanisad With the Commentary of Sankaracarya

  • Taittiriya Upanisad With the Commentary of Sankaracarya
translated by Swami Gambhirananda, Swami Lokeswarananda or Swami Sarvananda

Translations of an early Upanishad. We offer two translations, each with its own style of translation.

  • Swami Gambhirananda - 978-81-7505-024-2
    184 pages, Indian paperback
    Swami Lokeswarananda
    978-81-85843-75-6 181 pages, Indian paperback
  • Swami Sarvananda - 81-7823-050-X
    202 pages, Indian paperback
The various lessons of this upanishad are related to education of students in the ancient Vedic era of India, their initiation into a school and their responsibilities after graduation. It mentions the lifelong "pursuit of knowledge", including "Self-knowledge".

The Gambhirananda translation includes the Devanagari script, English translation and Shankara's commentary. This is the second edition as revised by the translator.

The Lokeswarananda translation includes the Devanagari script, Roman transliteration, English translation and notes based on Shankara's commentary.

The Sarvananda translation includes the Devanagari script, Roman transliteration, English translation and notes and commentary.
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