  • Meditation & Its Practices
by Swami Adiswarananda

A Definitive Guide to Techniques and Traditions of Meditation

  • 472 pages, US hardback
  • (retail only)
$34.95 $24.99

A Definitive Guide to Techniques and Traditions of Meditation in Yoga and Vedanta.

Meditation is a subject of universal interest, practiced by spiritual aspirants of many traditions on the quest for serenity, peace, and wholeness.

Among the many traditions of meditation in Hinduism, Yoga and Vedanta have passed the test of time, proving as vital today as they were throughout the ages in helping us overcome the maladies of life and attain spiritual fulfillment. 

The author, Swami Adiswarananda, was a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order of India and for 39 years until his passing, the Spiritual Leader of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center in New York City.

In the book he holistically outlines the subject of meditation and its practices following the methods and teachings of these two traditions. Defining key concepts in clear terms, Swami Adiswarananda covers every aspect of this ancient spiritual practice.

Topics Include:
Goals and Benefits of Meditation 
Objects of Meditation 
Methods of Concentration 
Physical Condition, 
Eating Habits, and Spiritual Exercises 
Mystical Experiences and Realization 
Obstacles in Meditation and Ways of Overcoming Them

We are happy to offer this hardback edition at the paperback price!

For other titles by Swami Adiswarananda please click here.

Global Rating: 3.00 from 1 reviews Add your review of this product
Review By Cactus Dan

Not bad, not great

It may be that my expectations were too high, but I was a bit disappointed by this book; it's a slog to read, and some of the better parts are taken (without giving credit) almost word for word from Swami Pramananda's short but very worthwhile Concentration and Meditation.