
A Guide to Spiritual Life: Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda

  • A Guide to Spiritual Life: Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda
by Swami Brahmananda
Translated by Swami Chetanananda

Spiritual teachings and selected letters of Swami Brahmananda.

  • Indian paperback, 303 pages 81-7505-408-5
  • American hardback, 191 pages 0-916356-60-7
Swami Brahmananda was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and the first president of the Ramakrishna order. Sri Ramakrishna regarded him as his spiritual son.

The translator writes,

When I first joined the monastery of the Ramakrishna Order, I used to ask many spiritual questions of senior monks who were disciples of Holy Mother, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Brahmananda, or Swami Shivananda. On one occasion, a monastic disciple of Swami Brahmananda told me:

“Read Dharma-prasange Swami Brahmananda (Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda); then you will not have to ask spiritual questions of anybody.” Truly speaking, that book became my spiritual guide…

The two editions are identical in content. The hardback is slightly larger and the print is slightly smaller than the paperback, thus accounting for the discrepancy in the page counts..

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