  • Mystery of Human Experience
by Pravrajika Vivekaprana

The book is based on talks regarding the classic Vedanta text,Drg Drysa Viveka.

  • 110 pages, Indian paperback
  • (retail only)

The book is based on talks regarding the classic Vedanta text, Drg Drysa Viveka on the question, "Who is the Seer?" and "What is the Seen?"

1) Introduction and Basic Concepts
2) The Perceiver
3) Bifurcation and Projection of Consciousness
4) The Power of Maya
5) That is, That Art
6) The Unchanging State of Samadhi
7) Three Levels of Experience

This title is volume 6 of the Understanding Vedanta Series.


For other titles by Pravrajika Vivekaprana please click here.

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Review By Archana

Anything by Vivekaprana is worth your time

Vivekaprana is a discriminating writer and speaker. Anything under her imprint is time worthy.