
I Am That: Talks With Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

(1 reviews)
  • I Am That
by Nisargadatta

The first and main source of Nisargadatta's teachings.

  • 570 pages, US paperback

The first and main source of Nisargadatta's teachings, now in a new revised edition.

Simplicity and humility are his keynotes. His sole concern is to help end human suffering. He would often say that the roots of sorrow are in the mind, and it is the mind that must be freed from its destructive habits.


Notes on the new edition:

The revised ed. of "I Am That" corrects the typos, grammatical errors and punctuation of the earlier ed. Also the spellings are changed to use American rather than British versions of a few words (e.g. "center" instead of "centre). These changes were done very carefully to guard against the possibility of misinterpreting Maharaj's teachings. The new edition is typeset in a larger page layout in 11 point Janson type with a new cover design, and adds a quote at the beginning of each chapter that highlight the theme of that chapter.  This edition also includes some new, rare photographs of Maharaj.



Global Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews Add your review of this product
Review By Amrit Bopaiah

I am That.

Wonderful addition to the Vedanta Lore by an God realized Soul. Gives great sense of hope for spiritual aspirants to keep on persevering in their quest.