
The Compassionate Mother - The Oldest Biography of Sri Sarada Devi

  • The Compassionate Mother - The Oldest Biography of Sri Sarada Devi
Translation by Swami Tanmayananda
Based on the Bengali edition by Br. Akshaya Chaitanya
Revised translation edited by Swami Shuddhidananda

Primarily a life of the Holy Mother with her teachings. An inspired work.

  • Indian Hardback, 396 pages 81-7505-328-3
  • Indian Paperback, 387 pages
Every so often a book arrives that stands out from the rest. Although the book is primarily a life of the Holy Mother with her teachings, the material is truly inspiring, and they give a sense of the kind of person the mother was -- filled with common sense and not caught by the rigidity of religious teachings. The stories were carefully collected by the author from the many people who met the Mother.

The Compassionate Mother was originally translated by Swami Tanmayananda in 2002 and is available only in paperback. The hardcover edition, listed here, represents a revised second edition of the book edited by Swami Shuddhidananda of Advaita Ashrama. According to the publisher, this revision of the book has amounted to a re-translation of the entire work done in a meticulous fashion by Swami Shuddhidananda. The hardcover edition also contains copious footnotes adding greatly to its value.
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